I have come across many articles written by many walks of life regarding the Holy Land and their occupants. Some are supportive of the Jews and some are antisemitic.

But I don’t care about people’s preferences and opinions. I believe in the Bible and not what the media shoves down our throat.

Let’s go straight to scripture…

Jeremiah 31:35-37 This is what the Lord says:

The One who gives the sun for light by day, the fixed order of the moon and stars for light by night, who stirs up the sea and makes its waves roar – the Lord of Armies is his name:

If this fixed order departs from before me-

this is the Lord’s declaration-

only then will Israel’s descendants cease to be a nation before me forever.

This is what the Lord says:

Only if the heavens above can be measured and the foundations of the earth below explored, will I reject all of Israel’s descendants because of all they have done – this is the Lord’s declaration.

This is what scripture states. God has NOT rejected Israel. How could He? Is not salvation first for the Jews, then for the Gentiles? Romans 1:16…

Christians fail to realise that Christianity originated in Israel by a Jew named Jesus. He died so that all could be saved if they repented and believed in Him. Now, some of the Israelites became Christians, are they still rejected? No. There are still Messianic Jews who believe in Jesus! God is fighting on behalf of Israel even though some of them don’t believe in Him. In 2014, an article was published about how enemies of Israel launched rockets in an attack against Jerusalem and those rockets swerved away from the Holy City for no reason. Why? God protects that Land. Today, Israel live in Kibbutz. A kibbutz is a self-sustaining village. they can survive without any help from the outside because they have everything they need. God provides for them. So if God is protecting them and you are against Israel, doesn’t that mean that you are fighting against God?

God still has a purpose for Israel which will be revealed in the last days. They will see the King of Kings and know who their Messiah is. Then they will believe. All Israel will be saved.

Romans 11:1 Did God reject His people? By no means!

As Christians, we need to support Israel and not back out because of politics. Israel was recently attacked by Palestinians and the media twisted the story stating that Israel attacked the Palestinians. We live in a world that is very biased. They don’t want you to know the truth.

Another issue in the church that is leading people astray is this crazy notion that the church is the new Israel! How absurd! There is Israel and there are Gentiles. Those who accept Jesus are Believers, also known as Christians. There is a huge difference. When we adopt the idea that we are the new and improved Israel, then we begin to believe the heresy that Israel was rejected by God.

So support Israel in your prayers. Support them by buying their products. Support them because when everyone turns against them, understand then that the end is near. Extremely near…

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