In my previous post on this topic Prosperity Gospel, I discussed the dangers of a money orientated gospel. I would like to touch on this topic again with a bit more shocking information. I would also like to show you why I hate the prosperity gospel.

When I used to go to church when I was young, I attended a church that was spiritually competitive. A spiritually competitive church will never be spiritually edifying. It was the type of church that if you were the richest, then you were the closest to God and that’s why you were blessed. So if you drove a Mercedes or a BMW, it’s because you were spending a lot of time with God. Which is strange because non-Christians also drive those cars and so do thugs!

I remember reading prosperity books that members of the congregation recommended and sold. I would pray and read my Bible. Pray and be as good as I can be so that God would bless us. Spending money for school was a rare privilege. We sometimes walked to school. We couldn’t do what the other kids did because I couldn’t afford it. We were just happy with the plate of food we had on our table every day. I would pray for clothes, shoes and money. It was like talking to a brick wall. My uniform would get small and I would need new school shoes hoping that God would provide but nothing seemed to happen. Eventually, I would get what I needed but what about the abundant blessings that God spoke about in His word?

I remember walking 4Km to church while I saw other people with cars never show up. I never had money to godly things but others had cash for alcohol and club nights. God, why are you so unfair?

I remember when I stopped praying about all these things. I just believed and trusted God irrespective whether He ‘blessed’ me or not. I didn’t care whether he provided or not, my allegiance is not conditional. If I die today, I know where I’m going. I’m not living for here and now, I’m living for the mansion that Jesus is preparing for me. We should pray more for our eternal destination rather than temporary things. Don’t get me wrong, God does provide our needs, and wants! However, you have a problem if you only want to get close to God so that you can get what you want. You go to God to get God!

I have no respect for churches who have chosen leaders based on their paycheck. Wearing suits and expensive dresses doesn’t bring you closer to God. Owning that mansion won’t take you to heaven and driving that Ferarri won’t take you closer to God.

One of our leaders said this: “Are you still successful if you excel at your workplace but fail God and your family?”


Now to the scary part. The real scary part. Revelations 13:

16And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name


According to Revelation 13, The Bible predicts that unless you accept a mark in exchange for your soul, you will not be able to buy or sell. That means that you cannot work or own a business. No income. No way to pay for your house. No car debit orders. No way of purchasing food or water for your family. It is practically choosing to be a hobo on the street! You can beg all you like but no one can give you money because the mark is what the economy runs on. People will be told not to give you any food, besides in a world like today, people don’t help the poor. Why would they help Christian people that they hate? Farming would be illegal by then. Christians would have to live in jungles or on mountains, anywhere that has water nearby. And you would probably be hunted for breaking the law.

The question is: If the mark were enforced into the economy today, would you leave your job, your bank accounts, your home, your car? Would you leave everything for the sake of eternal life?

The prosperity gospel preachers are preparing people today to receive that mark! People are chasing the dime instead of drawing close to God. And when the mark of the beast comes out, people will take it because they believe in a God who wants them to be wealthy. How many Christians will be taking that Mark? How many will sacrifice their eternity for the sake of status and comfort? Who will tell these prosperity preachers to shut up?

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