

Cupcake Christianity

First of all, what you are about to read is extremely opinionated and is not fact. I’m writing what I feel. It’s not really up for debate, but you can comment whether you disagree or not. If we compare today’s Christianity with […]


Sex of the Times

You know for a fact that when an article like this is posted, it’s serious business. Sex has been crushed and burnt in the incinerator of modern times. The perversion of this God-given gift is blasphemy in His sight as we tragically […]



In a world that defines your happiness by a significant other, singleness is often seen as a cursed disease by many. Strange enough, the reality of the world today consists of single people hoping to be married and married people wishing to […]


Babylon Rising

Now I know that the Bible says that Babylon is fallen in Revelations 18. Revelation 18:1-3 After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven. He had great authority, and the earth was illuminated by his splendor. With a mighty voice he […]


The Story of Jesus

Throughout the old testament, we find that the story of Jesus is portrayed multiple times for our perusal. We find many people who were a type of Christ to give ignorant people a clue of what was to come… God provided a […]


Should Women Wear Pants?

I have recently been added to a group chat on Facebook and they have been posting warnings about women who wear trousers, claiming that any women who wore trousers will go to hell. Intrigued by the comments, I asked them where does […]



In the figurative sense, everyone is building walls in their lives. They are also pulling down some of them. To live as a Christian, we need to make sure that we are building the right walls and that we destroying the walls […]
