What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world yet loses his soul? Yet today, many have sold their soul for much less, gratification being the payment that will only last a fraction of the timeline of judgment they […]
In a world that celebrates the idea of love but refuses to embrace it in all its entirety, will we ever have relationships that have longevity? Toxic traits, broken promises, incompatibility, inconsistency, unsavoury surprises, infidelity, unequal yokes and unrequited love. All these […]
It’s more than a year since the pandemic began in Wuhan, China. Lockdowns were put in place to restrict the movement of people in order to stop the spread. Covid19, a virus that began in 2019, or did it? According to the […]
After performing many shows with Resurrected Dance Crew, Adeline Munusamy took a leap of faith into the unknown. She joined MDT (Missions Discipleship Training), an intensive training programme designed to equip people for a missional life wherever God calls them. It is […]
I, Kristian, am the Defender of Truth. Upon many attempts to gain an official encounter with Him, I managed to meet Truth in person. However, it was not like how I had expected. Instead, He seemed to have bluntly ignored me and […]
The white 1950 convertible Buick Roadmaster slid into one of the many available spots outside the nightclub. The man climbed out and took a fresh breath of air. He had been the same since He began, traveling with the same car, it […]
Now I know that the Bible says that Babylon is fallen in Revelations 18. Revelation 18:1-3 After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven. He had great authority, and the earth was illuminated by his splendor. With a mighty voice he […]