Words and phrases entwine

Metaphors and allegories realign

Connotations and rhymes

Formed in this mind of mine


I remember back in the day when I was in grade 2. The art class was told to write a poem. At the age of 7, I didn’t what poetry was apart from the fact that the lines needed to rhyme. So I wrote random two line sentences that rhymed. The poem didn’t really give a message but to me, it seemed good since it rhymed. Everyone was told to stand up and read their poem out loud to the class. Once mine was said, it was severely criticised by the art teacher in front of everyone.

From that day, I hated poetry. I hated reading it let alone writing it. The English language, however, forced me to read poetry that made no sense because it held deep meanings in it. In grade 4, we were told to write a story or an article. I had terrible handwriting but I wrote an extremely exaggerated story about a tsunami. It was just a wild card sent from my crazy imagination. The teacher had all the writings marked by an external art teacher. When it came back, the art teacher told her that there was one in particular that had caught her attention. This piece of work as read out to the class. It was the story I wrote…

In grade 5, one of the projects we had was to write a book. I wrote a detective story and submitted it. But that got me thinking. Why don’t I write my own book for fun? And that’s what I did. Using an old computer my Dad had, I wrote in my free time.

In grade 7, I was addicted to reading. I spent my breaks in the library and worked there as a media monitor. I could find anything in that library. Information, books and subjects. By high school, I had memorised the universal library number system. I would just walk to the shelf and find the subject you were looking for. I used to listen to the teacher’s lesson, do my work and then read. Just read. I would zone out and enter another world that was hidden within the pages of my book. I would forget where I was and what I’m doing because I would be lost in the story. Many learners would tease me because of my book addiction. But what really got me baffled was that my teacher used to ridicule me whenever I had a book in my hand. He would call me “bookworm” and laugh at me. Imagine a teacher! The same person who was supposed to encourage you to learn!


By the end of the year, I walked into school, that same teacher was standing outside waiting for me. He told me that I had achieved the third highest in English. He admitted that it was due to my persistent reading. I smiled and walked away. I’m not going to change who I am for people…

When I had left school, I was exposed to a lot of spoken word poetry by members of my church. It really intrigued me. So I decided to write my first poem called “New Season” which was the theme of the youth camp we were going on. It really amazed the youth and the church. I started writing more and only to realize that I was unlocking the gift that I had in me all these years without me even knowing…

I wrote a book over seven years and I got a story that inspires people. The boo is currently published on Amazon and it’s only a matter of time before it will come out in paperback. And that’s not the only story I’ve written…

So, if you have a passion, don’t let people bring you down. Sometimes the devil uses people to stop you from using the gift God has placed inside of you. Don’t let that happen! There will be people who will help you expose your gift and there will be people who will try to cut it down. Recognize who is for you and who is against you and stick with those who help thrive your gift

You were given the gift for a reason… use it…

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