Truth Series Part 6

Karma (/ˈkɑːrmə/; Sanskrit: कर्म, translit. karma, IPA: [ˈkərmə] ( listen); Pali: kamma) means action, work or deed; it also refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect where intent and actions of an individual (cause) influence the future of that individual (effect).

Karma means ‘action’ in the Sanskrit language, the origin of the Hinduism religion of today. It practically means that ‘whatever goes around comes around’.

But is Karma right? Is it true?

Let’s think about this…

The logical Jab

If there were two people and God decided to share a loaf of bread between them, how would He do it? One would state the obvious: the bread is to be sliced in half so that the two people will get an equal share of the loaf. However, God’s justice doesn’t work that way. God would probably give one more than the other according to their needs. If He gave them the same amount, then while one is still hungry, the other would be overfed or that person would have wasted. Hence, we don’t have a sense of God’s justice!

Would God allow an innocent person to suffer the guilt he never did? Would he allow the guilty to be pronounced innocent? The answer is YES!

How? Jesus. He was the innocent suffering our guilt as we are proclaimed to be righteous. Where is your justice? Where is the cycle of our actions? Yet, in all this, God is still Just! We are the ones with a delusional view of justice. We want God to be lenient on our sins but we condemn others with the expectation that God is going to punish them most severely. We just don’t have a cooking clue! Look at Job in the Bible. He was blameless yet he received something he did not deserve or did he deserve more than that? God is righteous and above all, who are we to say what we deserve?

Hence, Karma cannot be right or correct, it does not line up with the Bible. There’s no such thing as ‘justice in the universe’. God is the judge, no one else.

The Scriptural Hook

Mark 4:But other seed fell on good ground and yielded a crop that sprang up, increased and produced: some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a hundred.”

Notice that whatever seed was sown, the return was in multiples. While Karma states that you get what you give, the Bible states that you actually get in what you give in multiples.

Furthermore, Karma is the strong belief in good works which is contrary to the Gospel. We are saved by Grace and not by works. Be careful what you believe because it might affect your life negatively.

The Conclusive Uppercut

To be upfront in this affair, Karma is demonic. It’s not of God. It’s basically believing that someone who has done something wrong cannot repent of that sin, cannot be forgiven of that sin, nor saved from it. To believe in Karma is to reject the salvation of others. Come to think of it, we always think that we are good people and everyone is bad even though when the same sins are done. It is because we expect God to forgive us but to pour His wrath on our neighbour. That’s what Karma is about: Self-righteousness. Besides, no one gets what they deserve. If they did, they would all be in hell….

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