Now, many are going to be offended by what I am going to say but this message has been stirring in my mind for quite some time now and indeed I must tell the truth. There is a gospel which is really no gospel at that is being preached a lot to the masses. Preachers all around the world are getting paid to preach this fine mirage that tickles the ears of the lukewarm congregation that never does anything for the kingdom of God. They wouldn’t, of course, because they don’t worship Jesus, they worship Mammon. They bow down low to money and that is all they live for. In my previous post Tithing, I mentioned that most people give tithes not because they are thankful for what they have but for what God is going to give them because they are tithing. I have read the Bible many times but nowhere in the scriptures does it say that God is our ATM. Nowhere does it say that He is our personal genie or Santa Claus. In fact, if I read correctly, it states that we must submit to Him and place our trust in Him.

You can’t serve both God and money…. (Matthew 6:24)

Does not God want us to be prosperous? Yes, absolutely! Does He want us to be rich? No, out of the question. You may think I’m crazy but guess what? Scripture states that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God (Matthew 19:24). Yet in Proverbs 28:25, he who trusts the Lord will prosper. God wants us to prosper but not to be rich. There’s a difference. Prosperity is having an abundance, you have what you need and you give away the extra only for it to be replaced constantly. It is a repetition of God’s grace in your life. Being rich is having what you need and what you want and a ton more sitting in the bank, dormant. It is a repetition of greed. 

Every time we choose money over Jesus, we betray him like Judas…

So what’s wrong with being rich? In Matthew 19:16-24, we find the story of the rich young man. He had everything he wanted. He was young and he had a lot of money, he could whatever he wanted, any girl he wanted, any possession he wanted to attain was his. But he couldn’t have Jesus???? And it was his own choice???? You see, when you become rich, you live for yourself, your desires, your affections. You believe in God but just don’t need Him anymore, your money brings you all the things you don’t even need to pray for. Your trust in God diminishes and eventually, you begin to forget Him. You spend more time chasing money, now you no longer have time for Him. You have a different circle of friends so you compromise your godly standards for gratification. Everything we aim for is the fickle things of this earth. Nothing is worth it, it’s all meaningless goods. And with the millions in the bank, you still won’t be happy…

If the devil can’t stop the Church with persecution, he will use seduction…

2 Timothy 3 states that in the last days, people will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money ….. lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. Today, we have false teachers preaching about having a good life. This was prophesied 2 Peter 2:3. They lie to you, tell you that God wants you to be prosperous, to have a good life. To be blessed and wealthy.

“Make sure you give us your money otherwise you won’t get blessed. You gotta give in order to receive!”

Prosperity Gospel basically demands what is rightfully yours. That’s blasphemy! We don’t deserve anything. What we have been given is by grace and by grace alone. We never earned anything, what we have is freely given by God. God owes us nothing. He died to save us from sin, not so that you could be rich! Preachers out there are making everything about money. It’s time to rise up and live a life of purpose, not chasing the wind…

The real Gospel states that we must surrender and submit to God. Prosperity gospel states that God must submit to us.

I don’t think Jesus followed that motto. He loved us while we were sinners. Died for us when we were still dead in our sins. He loved us unconditionally. God wants you to be blessed and prosperous. But do we even know what that means? And maybe we already are? What about those who are poor? Those with no food? Those who have no shelter? Have these people sinned? Maybe, maybe not, but we are sinning if we are not sharing our blessings with them.

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