I have been seeing a lot of scriptures about the Sabbath lately. Many pages stating that church must happen on the seventh day and that we must worship Jesus on Saturday. Stop! You don’t designate one day to worship God. You worship Him every day! The Seventh Day Adventist Church began in the 1830s with the help of Ellen G. White. It was also derived from the Millerites, followers of William Miller who preached that Jesus would return somewhere between March 1843 and March 1844. After twisting scriptures of the book of Daniel, they concluded that Jesus was going to have His second coming on the 22nd of October 1844. Over 100000 people came out to watch the empty sky that night only for it to end with weeping. It became known as the Great Disappointment.

Today, Seventh Day Adventist cook all their food every Friday and they go to church, spend the whole day there, and eat together. They don’t work on any Saturday because they believe that it is a sin. However, I have come across some that do work because the scriptures say that we must be obedient to their earthly masters. So does the earthly master mean more than the heavenly One?

Is the Sabbath nullified? No. It is still alive. In Matthew 12, Jesus and His disciples were walking through a grain field and they were eating some of the heads of grain. This was considered to be unlawful. By that time, there was a lot of man-made rules. For example:

A woman couldn’t take a grey strand of hair out her head.

You could ride a donkey but couldn’t beat to go faster.

If a beggar came to your window for alms, he had to stretch in to take the money because stretching out to give him anything would break the Sabbath.

Today in Israel, you are not allowed to press the button for the elevator to go up or down. They have automatic elevators that stop a minute at every floor.

Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath. What does that mean? Jesus is Lord every day. That means the Sabbath is every day! And the rest we have is in Him! Hebrews 4 speaks of a different rest. The rest we have in Jesus. It’s a special type of rest that no one can take away. It’s the type of rest that brings peace and joy. This rest does not come by doing nothing on a Saturday. It comes by spending quality time with Jesus every day.

Hebrews 4:11, Make every effort to enter that rest…

And for those that go to church on Sunday, God did not change the Sabbath to Sunday. no scripture states that. The disciples never sat at home on a Saturday doing nothing. They did what was good on that day. Remember, the Pharisees had a problem with Jesus healing on that day. The disciples went out and preached on that day. Why? Because they knew that all the Jews would be at the synagogue on that day.

You want more proof?

Saturday is named after Saturn, the god of time. Sunday was named after the sun god. Thursday was named after Thor, the god of war. In fact, all the days of the week are named after gods! So which is the Sabbath? How do you know that Saturday is specifically the Sabbath when the days were renamed?

Why did God give us the Sabbath? He knew that our physical bodies need rest because if we overdo it with ourselves, we can get sick. That is why people get sick often. So rest is needed, no doubt. But don’t make it a religion. Rest can be taken any day but spending time with God is something that’s done every day…

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